We really hadn't had much a winter here in southern California, but isn't it wonderful that
Spring has Sprung.
I love all the vibrant colors.
It also makes it so I want to accomplish more.
Like exercise... oh, wait, I meant to say like sit in my chair and do more crafts.
Okay.. in the back of my mind, I do mean exercise.. but ya know, that craft room calls to me way too often.
I think I would like to drink something from this cup..... (or maybe just make this cup)... isn't it lovely?
I sure wished my flowerbeds looked like this...
Lookie what hopped into my garden...
Okay, so this isn't my garden, but I can dream can't I?
May you all have a wonderful day!
I can totally sympathise, my craft room always draws me too! Love your beautiful photos. Thanks so much for your visit and lovely comment too. Anne x