Friday, March 21, 2014

Compartments of life...

I am taking a cue from my good crafty friend Tilly of Tilly's Bridge. She blogged about her compartments of life.

 I compartmentalize too… but at times the compartments get a little jumbled cause I get overwhelmed.
Who doesn't from time to time, right?

My "work" compartment... I have several areas where I do this. An office, home (in my craft room, my bedroom or the living room)
I work from home a lot. I have 3 clients.
1. One is a concierge doctor's administration office. I am an admin assistant, so to speak. I go to an office (a very beautiful one) 4 days a week for about 20 hours a week. 
2. Then I have a mechanical engineer 
3. and his wife, who runs a private school. I do my best to do their books. These wonderful people are brilliant, but because they are both extremely brilliant my simplicity , at times, makes it hard for them to understand the accounting I am doing. Hard to explain, but it's almost like their brains are in fast mode so often they can't slow down enough to grasp the simple things I do. LOL

My "sleep" compartment... 
My bedroom is upstairs, as is Tilly's and I like that cause I use that as my exercise. I don't fret when I leave something upstairs just as i got downstairs cause in the back of my mind I tell myself I am getting some exercise. 

My "craft" / "art" compartment...
My craft room is upstairs. This wonderful craft room, which hubby has to deal with my ever wanting to change it, is a blessed thing.  I know how fortunate I am that I have it. I sometimes will just go to my craftroom to sit and relax while I am on my ... [you said it]... my laptop. (I know, to do what? Watch craft videos.... lol... it's a vicious circle I tell ya!)

My "play" compartment...
That is when my precious grandkids come here or I go to their football/sports games. Oh, what joy this compartment is. I don't mind when this overtakes all of my time.

My "online" compartment...
This is a major thing. In this house, we have laptops that seem to be constantly open. I have my laptop with me at about arms length at any given time. It is a miracle I haven't gotten 3rd degree burns on my legs from the thing being in my lap.
I follow along with "A Documented Life" and "Journal 52", which are for Art Journaling (I am about 4 weeks behind, ut oh, make that 7 weeks now. Shocked aren't you? hahaha)
I belong to an Art website called DeviantArt where I dabble in computer graphics and I run a graphic art group. 
I run my Crafty group "Krazy Crafty Creations" (come join... why not put another thing on your enormous plate)
And of course all the other things, such as Pinterest, that the internet allows me to engross my time with.

I know I have to rein in on things. I just can't stretch myself that thin. I am the worst when I want to jump on a band wagon, which I tend to do.
 I decided that
  •  I won't do haul videos and I won't watch them anymore either. I also lowered my amount of people that I get the email alerts from to see their new videos (sorry guys). 
  • I have almost cut out completely doing swaps. Like a good crafty friend I know on YouTube has done.


Now that I have mentioned so much I want to remove from my busy life….
I have things that are possible add-ons . (I know , right?) LOL
1.       I know a lady that is in a craft group that doesn’t live too far from me (about 65-70 miles), but she is inviting me to skype with her and some others from the group.  Maybe I can actually be working on crafts then.
1.       I decided I want to keep up with my blog more and get back to journaling ( a big thing onto my plate, I know) but it was things I enjoyed a lot and had put it at the bottom of my totem pole. So less video time means a little more these things time.
1.       My biggest thing is I really want to get into doing crafting for me and my loved ones. As it is, I almost only do crafts when I HAVE to. You know… Weddings, birthday gifts, swaps. 

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HAha, blogger numbered them all #1.

Oh, and did I mention I would love to get back to reading more. I was an avid reader for years. Ahhh, to go back to simpler times, with just a book in hand laying around at the beach!

~~ Kimmer

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