Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Woyww... #251

Come join in the fun.... I am participating in "WOYWW"  = What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday. 
Visit Julia and her blog>>> here to find out more.

I was up real late last night working on my art journal which I left on my desk.
Loved how it turned out!
So... my art journal is on my desk along with a new Tim Holtz die (the doctor sign thingy one), which was on sale for $9.97 at JoAnn's and of course I just had to get it!
Then I have just a few pieces of cardstick that I am sending to a lovely crafty friend. She has this lovely heart die and she has allowed me to request her to cut some for me cause I just can't buy the die right now.
Here ya go.....
my craft desk for today:

So sorry for the glare. It was just past duck when I took it.
post signature


  1. A very romantic glow on your desk. Cool journal, love that top page.
    Swapping die cuts is a good idea, helps save some $$ for sure and a chance to play with some from a die you've been wanting.
    Thanks for visiting this week.
    Krisha #12

    1. Thank you Krisha, for coming by. See you next week at woyww.

  2. Love the space and the new dies and paper - what lovely colours..your hexagonal tool caddy is fab too Shaz in Oz.x # thanks for popping over :D

  3. Yes that tool caddy is fab, and liking your journal.

  4. I agree, your desk looks all moody and Film Noir! Your journal looks great...I'm not a paper crafter but even as a teenager, I never kept a diary or journal...I'd tell my secrets to the wind, not put them down on paper :-)
    Thanks for dropping by my blog, don't think we've met before? Anyway, I enjoyed reading your past few posts and completely agree with the list of things you're going to cut down on, like swaps etc, and concentrate on doing some old fashioned stuff. With you it's reading, with me...well, I need to start drawing again. I was always sketching and noodling about but there never seems to be time to do that much. Well, that's going to change!!
    Hugs, LLJ 27 xx

    1. Thank you Miss Jan for stopping by and your lovely comment. I decided if I was going to read, I might as well start with people's blogs along with books. Then also spend more time with my crafts . Gotta do what we enjoy, right?

  5. 'Just past duck', I like that, made me smile.
    Love how you ar doing your journal, with the tags and well done on your bargain buy, can't beat a good bargain.
    Thanks for visiting and for your kind comments, always appreciated.
    Ann B

    1. LOL Ann... You caught that... just past dusk is what I was suppose to say. Thanks for stopping by!

  6. Hi Kimmer, thanks for visiting me, not seen you on here before so welcome to WOYWW, I do like your journal, I am so rubbish at that sort of thing so I do admire folks who can keep any kind of journal, but especially an Arty one.
    Bless you
    Chris #36

    1. The journal, I don't journal near as much as I just fill it with art. I am kinda lazy about writing too much stuff down each day.
      thanks for stopping by!

  7. Hi Kimmer
    Would love to see what you do with that die, I have had it for a couple of years and haven't used it yet!!! Love your tabs on your journal too, did you cut them? Thanks for stopping by my blog. Happy WOYWW.
    Dawn x #39

    1. Oh gosh Dawn... I hope to use the die for a wedding mini album I will be doing in a few weeks. I'll be sure to share... then you will have to drag it out and use it too. *smiles

  8. I have to agree with Krisha, you have a very romantic desk with all the lace and little teacups and things! The art journal is quite a culture shock in comparison to that, lol!! Yeah Christmas, sorry, I work at it on and off all year, then by Thanksgiving I'm putting my feet up and enjoying the season!

    Brenda 68

    1. I keep telling myself to do Christmas before July,, but I can't seem to do it, maybe this year, since seeing your inspiration.

  9. Not sure what time it was LOL. Love the lace curtains and the lamps. That's not to say i do not admire and like your artwork - I do.
    Hugs & thanks for visiting me
    Neet xx 40

  10. You have a lovely work space, and I love your journal page..I just can't seem to get the guts to start working in mine...
    Thanks for stopping by.
    Kim #83

    1. The art journal. That was a bit daunting for me too.. then I watched a bunch of videos on YouTube and decided I gotta just do it. Now after doing a few pages, I like it! I hope you get going on yours, I would love to see what you do.

  11. LOVE your work space and your journal!

  12. I love your desk with those beautiful lace curtains! It all looks so pretty and inviting! Your journal looks fabulous and I love the little tabs you've put on the pages.

    Thanks for your visit and your nice comment. Do give Zentangle a go - it's brilliant fun and highly addictive, and there's so much you can do with it! I am having so much fun with the teabags too, and mixing the different art disciplines,. No end to the possibilities!

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #48

    1. I will have to revisit your blog soon to read up on Zentangle more for sure. I thank you kindly for stopping by and your very nice comment! See you next week if not sooner.

  13. Your art journal looks great and love your bargain die, you just reminded me that I have that one!

    1. *smiles... got get that die out and use it. Thanks for stopping by Deb!

  14. loving the size of your art journal. that might be a size I could manage!
    thanks for visiting, your kind words and the snoop around your place.
    robyn 6

  15. I need that glittery card! BAD! Thanks for the desk snoop! Lyns xx

  16. Your journal is looking good, what I can see. It's amazing about crafty things on sale, they just seem to jump into my cart. :)
    Thanks for stopping by to see my workdesk! Helen #17

    1. I know, huh? My cart tends to get more in it than what I go to the store for, darn it! Thanks for stopping by and your kind comment.

  17. Hello Kimmer, love that name, some times it's good to be last, people start at the bottom and work there way up, thanks so much for stopping by my nest, your journal looks gorgeous, I had a good snoop around, loooove the doll you made and your new craft room, oh and I subscribed to your you tube videos, thanks for visiting my nest, have a wonderful weekend,,,

    1. Oh Dianne (by the way, I have a sister-in-law named Dianne, spelled the same). Thanks for stopping by and your kind comment! See ya next week !

  18. What a lovely busy desk, and that journalling looks fascinating. Thank you for your visit and I am looking forward to using that embossing mat. xx Maggie #8

    1. Thanks for stopping by Maggie! See ya next week!

  19. Working late is eyes can't do it anymore; colouring, colour matching..oh no! Your journal looks lovely.

    1. Thanks for comming by Julia and thanks for have all us crafty people come together in a fun way!

  20. Thanks for your reply. Someone told me we could get Tyvek envelopes here in the UK but I've never seen any.


    1. I Shoshi....
      I would be so happy to send you some! Email me with your address:

  21. I like the tabs in your journal.
    Your desk looks so relaxing in that light :)
    thank you for visiting my blog..Tracy #91

    1. Hey Tracy... thanks for stopping by. I visit your YouTube channel a great deal. :) Always love your creations.
      See ya next week at woyww. :)

  22. Your journal is looking great! And how nice to have a friend who can cut some shapes for you. Such a good idea! Thanks for visiting me!
    peggy aplSEEDS@3

    1. Hi Peggy.... I imagine I will have a great friend in this lady, I had never met her or seen her videos before , but she is a dear and I imposed. If you ever want something in the crafty world, I think we would all help each other. See ya Wednesday , which will come around way too quickly I am sure.

  23. WOW! You jumped in to art journaling with both feet! That journal looks awesome!!!

    1. Hi Daniella, I am not so sure about the art journal stuff... but I am finding out a lot from YouTube and figure I can't really mess it up too much. Just gotta remember things don't have to be perfect. LOL
      thank you for stopping by!

  24. What a gorgeous place to work, it looks really cosy.
    The journal looks great.
    Happy crafting, Angela #59

  25. Well, you ended up NOT being the last this time! I've been #126 more than once, so 90 something isn't so bad . . .

    Thank you for stopping by this woyww, Kimmer!

    #16 this week with a
    jewelry organizer

  26. Well how to confuse a gal! Saw your e-mail saying you'd commented on my WOYWW post but the comment wasn't showing on the page THEN I noticed you'd commented on LAST week's post. Loving your journal pages and thanks for visiting me for last week, this week ROFL BJ#70
