Friday, September 12, 2014

Wanting more.. always !

I want to write in my blog more!
As you can tell it has been months since I came here. I suppose I found , I mean.. I know I found other things that can take up my time.

I also want to be witty, funny, organised, full of energy, more kind to everyone.

I want to be less obsessive about things and stop procrastinating about sooo many things

I want to be pain free. Seems the last week I have been having a bad bout of kidney stones. I drink tons of water in hopes to rid myself of them, but I think they multiply 3 fold if I pass one. Really tired of being in pain!!

I want to accomplish more in my craft room. Which is now in my master bedroom. (about that in another post).

I want Windows 8.1.

I want to fill my journals and art journals now! And I want to buy more even though I have not filled the ones I have.

I want all my kids to be HAPPY and enjoy life!

I want my husband to always know how much he means to me and how much HE IS MY LIFE!

I want more, but enough of what I want... what do you want?

post signature
* This was also posted on my family blog.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Woyww #254 Oops... I mean #255

Hello crafty friends from all over.

I missed last week (boohoo)
I have been so immersed in making wedding stuff these last weeks, I am going batty.
My son's getting married....this is my youngest of 5 sons.
My 2nd son got married last year.
My 3rd son isn't married, but he has a child with his high school sweetheart, who he broke up with for about 8 years and they are back together now.
My 4th son has not married, but he has been with his girlfriend for 9 years and they have 3 kids.
My oldest son has been dating one gal for 5 years and she does not want to marry cause her first marriage was real bad.
But enough of that... here are some pics of my beautiful messy crafty desks...
Main desk.... it may look clean, but it is only clean in the center. LOL
Desk 2  -  loaded with papers for a wedding mini album
This is full of wedding album embellishments, etc.
If anyone saw my "woyww # 252"  post, you would have seen the shelving unit my hubby made and this is what it looks like. I put dotted paper to decorate each little box and put ribbon through it for the handles.

Thanks for stopping by..... and please
Come join in the WOYWW fun.... 
 "WOYWW"  =  What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday. 
Visit Julia and her blog>>> here to find out more.
post signature

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Woyww #253

I got to go shopping..... AND make a huge mess of my desk. LOL
I got to go to Michael's yesterday and today.

Then my grandchild came over to stay for a while. (She lives here sometimes and with her other grandparents sometimes).
BUT...My poor little Brookie is sick..... so, the last thing I bought today .... a thermometer ( bottom right corner).

My mess of my desk. Enjoy LOL

Come join in the fun.... I am participating in "WOYWW"  = What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday. 
Visit Julia and her blog>>> here to find out more.

Everything was on sale or I used mega coupons.

And more still in the bag.
As you can see, this is not a normal Michael's bag.
Here in my city, we have to bring our own bags to all stores.

Thanks so much for stopping by!
Take care!
and see you all next time.


Who does the dishes?.....

My hubby does the dishes in my house.
I work part time and have outside clients. But I am off 3 days a week.

Hubby still does the dishes.
And this is how he does them...

He sorts before he puts the utensils in.

Oh well... I don't care!  Why, you may ask?
Cause HUBBY does the dishes.


Now, I found this wonderful picture on the net
and just had to share, 
cause I so need to lose weight before my youngest son's wedding.

I may have to make me a sign like this!

Thanks for stopping by!
Come back anytime,

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Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Me , an artist?

Nah, I am no artist...

But I joined in 
"The Documented Life"
Journal 52
art journaling fun anyway!

Why 2, you ask?
Well, since I have never done an art journal
challenge thingy
I tend to jump on the band wagon of every new thing I see on youtube,
I figured , why the heck not!
I loved art in junior high school (don't even ask how long ago that was!)
And when I was in art class as a freshman in high school, the teacher said I was good..... HAha, I think that was her job so that the students didn't skip the class.

I joined in these 2 journaling thingys late and am way behind. But it isn't about pressure to keep up,
it is about doing some art and enjoying it.

Here is how I made the first week of my 
"Documented Life" journal : 

Here is how I did the tabs on my
"Journal 52" journal:

Here is my Week 1 for Documented Life
( the prompt was "your front door") 

It says" Shut the Front Door" (as you can see below)
on the inside it says
"My front door is pretty lucky,
Every time it gets shut,
Someone wonderful comes along and opens it...
So, please, Shut the Front Door"

Week 1 prompt for "Journal 52" was 
"Up, Up and Away"
The first thing that came to my mind was a bird flying and dangling a teacup with sparkles dripping out of the cup.
So here it is.... 

Thanks for stopping by ...
come back again any time!
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Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Woyww #252

Oh gosh.....
Tax time is here!
I have spent the last 3 hours prepping mine. I would rather be doing something... anything else.

But hey... I did get to grab a pic of my crafty mess for all to see.

Come join in the fun.... I am participating in "WOYWW"  = What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday. 
Visit Julia and her blog>>> here to find out more.

1)    I am making a vintage style guestbook for my youngest son's wedding. 

2)... This is the new cabinet my hubby made for me.

3).... This is my 2nd desk where I try and have space for my project life and art journaling supplies.
Unfortunately it becomes a catch all for so much more.
The cabinet above is going to go on this desk to clear up some of the mess. Maybe next week I can share how it will look cleaned up. LOL 

Thank you all for stopping by!

Now off to visit some other crafty desks from around the world!

~~~ kimmer

Friday, March 28, 2014

Can't live with 'em or without 'em....

No, I don't mean our significant other's.

I think.... no I know I hate Google and Facebook, though Google (YouTube) wins out over Facebook this time. 
With YouTube...
Whenever I click on a video from within my email, it always has me using YouTube with my real name. I have never used my real name. And I don't want to ever use my real name. 
Why, you ask? 
Because when I started using YouTube, I used it under this other name and had established a bunch of playlists and then when we had to do google+ in order to comment, I established all my connections in google+ with that other name, not my real name.

So, now.........  I have to switch accounts (continually) and hope I stay on the right video.
GEEZ.. what a pain!

Then with Facebook...
I found out that if a person doesn't stay active on my 
Krazy Crafty Creations Facebook page
 by liking or commenting on the page , then their "LIKE" of my page will be removed.
They will no longer get any feedback that is posted to the page.
What kind of crap is that?
I may have to move my page over to the "group" page
in order to do my swaps.

Okay, I am done with my ranting.
Thanks for stopping by and reading!

~~~ kimmer

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Has Spring Sprung?

We really hadn't had much a winter here in southern California, but isn't it wonderful that 
Spring has Sprung. 
I love all the vibrant colors. 

It also makes it so I want to accomplish more. 
Like exercise... oh, wait, I meant to say like sit in my chair and do more crafts. 
Okay.. in the back of my mind, I do mean exercise.. but ya know, that craft room calls to me way too often.

I think I would like to drink something from this cup..... (or maybe just make this cup)... isn't it lovely?

I sure wished my flowerbeds looked like this...

Lookie what hopped into my garden...
Okay, so this isn't my garden, but I can dream can't I?

May you all have a wonderful day!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Woyww... #251

Come join in the fun.... I am participating in "WOYWW"  = What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday. 
Visit Julia and her blog>>> here to find out more.

I was up real late last night working on my art journal which I left on my desk.
Loved how it turned out!
So... my art journal is on my desk along with a new Tim Holtz die (the doctor sign thingy one), which was on sale for $9.97 at JoAnn's and of course I just had to get it!
Then I have just a few pieces of cardstick that I am sending to a lovely crafty friend. She has this lovely heart die and she has allowed me to request her to cut some for me cause I just can't buy the die right now.
Here ya go.....
my craft desk for today:

So sorry for the glare. It was just past duck when I took it.
post signature

Friday, March 21, 2014

Compartments of life...

I am taking a cue from my good crafty friend Tilly of Tilly's Bridge. She blogged about her compartments of life.

 I compartmentalize too… but at times the compartments get a little jumbled cause I get overwhelmed.
Who doesn't from time to time, right?

My "work" compartment... I have several areas where I do this. An office, home (in my craft room, my bedroom or the living room)
I work from home a lot. I have 3 clients.
1. One is a concierge doctor's administration office. I am an admin assistant, so to speak. I go to an office (a very beautiful one) 4 days a week for about 20 hours a week. 
2. Then I have a mechanical engineer 
3. and his wife, who runs a private school. I do my best to do their books. These wonderful people are brilliant, but because they are both extremely brilliant my simplicity , at times, makes it hard for them to understand the accounting I am doing. Hard to explain, but it's almost like their brains are in fast mode so often they can't slow down enough to grasp the simple things I do. LOL

My "sleep" compartment... 
My bedroom is upstairs, as is Tilly's and I like that cause I use that as my exercise. I don't fret when I leave something upstairs just as i got downstairs cause in the back of my mind I tell myself I am getting some exercise. 

My "craft" / "art" compartment...
My craft room is upstairs. This wonderful craft room, which hubby has to deal with my ever wanting to change it, is a blessed thing.  I know how fortunate I am that I have it. I sometimes will just go to my craftroom to sit and relax while I am on my ... [you said it]... my laptop. (I know, to do what? Watch craft videos.... lol... it's a vicious circle I tell ya!)

My "play" compartment...
That is when my precious grandkids come here or I go to their football/sports games. Oh, what joy this compartment is. I don't mind when this overtakes all of my time.

My "online" compartment...
This is a major thing. In this house, we have laptops that seem to be constantly open. I have my laptop with me at about arms length at any given time. It is a miracle I haven't gotten 3rd degree burns on my legs from the thing being in my lap.
I follow along with "A Documented Life" and "Journal 52", which are for Art Journaling (I am about 4 weeks behind, ut oh, make that 7 weeks now. Shocked aren't you? hahaha)
I belong to an Art website called DeviantArt where I dabble in computer graphics and I run a graphic art group. 
I run my Crafty group "Krazy Crafty Creations" (come join... why not put another thing on your enormous plate)
And of course all the other things, such as Pinterest, that the internet allows me to engross my time with.

I know I have to rein in on things. I just can't stretch myself that thin. I am the worst when I want to jump on a band wagon, which I tend to do.
 I decided that
  •  I won't do haul videos and I won't watch them anymore either. I also lowered my amount of people that I get the email alerts from to see their new videos (sorry guys). 
  • I have almost cut out completely doing swaps. Like a good crafty friend I know on YouTube has done.


Now that I have mentioned so much I want to remove from my busy life….
I have things that are possible add-ons . (I know , right?) LOL
1.       I know a lady that is in a craft group that doesn’t live too far from me (about 65-70 miles), but she is inviting me to skype with her and some others from the group.  Maybe I can actually be working on crafts then.
1.       I decided I want to keep up with my blog more and get back to journaling ( a big thing onto my plate, I know) but it was things I enjoyed a lot and had put it at the bottom of my totem pole. So less video time means a little more these things time.
1.       My biggest thing is I really want to get into doing crafting for me and my loved ones. As it is, I almost only do crafts when I HAVE to. You know… Weddings, birthday gifts, swaps. 

/\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ 
HAha, blogger numbered them all #1.

Oh, and did I mention I would love to get back to reading more. I was an avid reader for years. Ahhh, to go back to simpler times, with just a book in hand laying around at the beach!

~~ Kimmer

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

WOYWW #250

Come join in the fun.... I am participating in "WOYWW"  = What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday. 
Visit Julia and her blog>>> here to find out more.

I got to do a little craftyness shopping at Hobby Lobby and JoAnn yesterday and of course the stuff sits on my desk until I have time to put it away.

Here is the mess of a desk that is mine right now.....

I am such a paper hoarder, so I got me some lovely new papers.

First is a Kellerkurtz & Company  (yeah , that is K & Co) beautiful stack. It is ultimately the most vintage style papers collection I have seen. My son's wedding is going to have a vintage theme, so I think I am going to do the guestbook and the wedding album with a lot of this paper.

Then I got "The Primrose" collection by DCWV. I had wanted this stack for so long and got lucky this time and grabbed it.

I got a "Crop A Dile" which I had wanted for over a year. And  from Joann I got a small Fiskars heart punch that I need to used for the wedding invites that I am so feverishly working on.

Woohoo, what a haul. I even brought the hubby along so I could use my coupon on my punch and crop-a-dile.

Thanks for stopping by!


Friday, March 14, 2014


I don't know about anyone else, but it seems I lost more than just an hour with this silly spring ahead  (steel an hour from me) time change. I swear it feels as though I lost 3 days! Ha!

WOYWW = What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday.

I am participating in WOYWW (as often as I can). Sounds like fun and it gets me creating and blogging.
And as you can see... I am late for my very first post, cause it is 5 in the morning on Friday. But I did take the picture on Wednesday, does that count??

I am working on my youngest son's wedding invitations. I am testing out trying to get a bit of a vintage look to them, so far, so good. Also amongst the mess are the altered matchboxes for a swap.

and my Journal 52 and my Documented Life journal. 

Hope you all had a wonderful Wednesday. 
If you want to follow along with Julia over at the Stamping Ground

hugs, Kimmer

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Announcing the new swap over at 

Come on over and join in the fun!

I love swapping... but seem to never have the time. But this swap (of a few lately) tugged my crafty strings and I just had to join in.
So, the swap is over at An Altered Place and it is called Leading Ladies Tag swap. 

It is a year long swap. My first tag is Lana Turner. 
I loved the dress that Lana was wearing. It had a red floral patern on it and this was a challenge for me because I normally would rather do pastes. 

Hope you like!
Of course, I made one for the swap and one for me... woohoo!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Announcing our new challenge over at Krazy Crafty Creations Facebook Page:
and also hosted on our YouTube Channel

DATES: SIGN UP BY: January 8th

THEME: Shabby chic (pastels)
QTY: Make 2 decorated coin envelopes

This is a challenge. So.... once you make your coin envelopes you will send them in and I will post them on the Krazy Crafty Creations facebook page here and on YouTube for voting.

THEN.... whoever wins the challenge will get all the coin envelopes to make into their own mini, plus a little RAK of shabbyness and a craft gift card to go with it. Woohoo!!!

to join the event!

Mail your decorated coin envelopes to:
Kimmer Rock
10062 Cutty Sark Dr

Huntington Beach, CA 92646